Wednesday, December 28, 2011


"I'm out of repair 
but you are tall in your battle dress 
and I must arrange for your journey. 
I was always a virgin, 
old and pitted." 

Text by, (Anne Sexton (1928-1974), U.S. poet. "Moon Song, Woman Song.") 


Vesna said...

you have beautiful eyes and that's an impression that will stay with me forever
hugs my gorgeous Diane
Happy New Yar

Vesna said...

and Happy New Year:)

diane said...

Hugs to you my angel, I adore you!
Happy New Year!!

M.Ac said...

I can see the princess, but, where's the witch?
Hola Diane! I wish you mountains of work on 2012.

diane said...

she's all one in the same decrepit and vile at's no wonder not one made a suitable choice in the end...

mountains of work, the best wish I've had all season, thank you Migue. This is going to be a special year for you I wish you and your family health and love!